Here you will find FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) that might answer questions not answered elsewhere on this site. Be sure to Scroll down to view other categories of questions and answers. There is a lot of help right here - just poke around and you'll see almost every question we've ever had answered for you.
Everyone has different needs for different types of email services. We understand that and have a few solutions to share with you.
Our Flash Tutorials are here to help you fully utilise your web hosting control panel. Choose a Product from within this category to see a step by step tutorial on how to complete any task related to that product.
Here we try to show you how to do some of the things we get asked all the time.
When you have more than 9-10 hosting accounts with us it soon becomes more economical to upgrade to a reseller account where you can consolidate and centralize your management and have as many domains as you want within the very large Reseller web space. We recommend this option for anyone who is seriously growing past their first 10 websites.
We've scoured the web and listed our top 20 most helpful Search Engine Optimization tools.
Improve your websites functionality by using these tips
Everything you want to know about your Top Level Domains. What are the rules? Who can and can't order special domain name extensions. All the answers are here in wonderful detail.
Already have a Domain Name elsewhere? Let us help you move it here. Full instructions for most popular registrars.
lot of times you can fix your web hosting problems yourself. Here are a few hot tips to get you rolling again when you thought you broke everything or some things are not working like they used to. Of course you can always call our support department for this help but we know a lot of you would rather figure this out yourself so here are a few of the most common ones we are aware of.
Every once in a while a client asks for something we don't have but we think it would be nice to have as well. So here is a collection of useful PHP scripts that can be hosted on our servers and does not already come in the Installatron system that already covers most everything else.
Easily create a stunning website that's mobile friendly
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